Photo © Gilles Ehrmann
Rules for the Claude Parent Prize
2024 Prize
RULES AND REGULATIONS 2023/2024 - Prix Claude Parent (Claude Parent Prize)
These rules and regulations are legally binding. By entering the Prix Claude Parent and paying the entry fee, candidates fully and unreservedly accept all the terms and conditions of these rules. If you do not agree with the terms of these rules, you must not enter the Prix Claude Parent.
L’Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Montpellier (ENSAM) sis 179 rue de l’Espérou – 34093 Montpellier cedex 5, a national public higher education institution registered under the number 193 401 320.
The Organiser is responsible for the organization of this competition.
The CLAUDE PARENT ARCHIVES association aims to showcase the work and philosophy of Claude PARENT and also intends to promote original ideas and projects.
To this end, it is not involved in the organization of the competition but merely offers the Organiser the right to use its name and logo, provides a website and donates the prize.
(hereafter referred to together as “Prix Claude Parent”).
Article 1: The Prix Claude Parent has been created to reward an architect or team whose architectural practice and philosophy demonstrate a desire to rethink architecture in a transgressive, critical or pioneering manner.
Article 2: Entries will be accepted from January 1, 2024 and will be closed once the 200th entry has been validated or at the very latest on March 15th, 2024. A pre-selection of the candidates, 5 to 10 candidates will be presented to the jury, which will select the Winner on April 29th, 2024 and award the prize during the award ceremony at on April 30th, 2024.
Article 3: Who may enter the competition
Entries may be submitted by an architect or a multidisciplinary team. Multi-disciplinary teams must include at least one architect to enter. Whether the teams are multi-disciplinary or not, the architect alone is responsible for the entry and must first ensure that each member of his/her team fully agrees to the terms of these rules. If this is not the case, he/she may be held liable and will have to bear the consequences, whatever their nature and for whatever amount.
Article 4: Financial terms and conditions
Participation is subject to the payment of a 20 euro contribution (entry fee), which is retained by the Organiser regardless of the outcome of the application, even if the application is not successful.
The entry fee must be paid via the online payment system on the Prix Claude Parent website (Candidate space). Participants will receive confirmation by e-mail that their entry has been successfully received once payment has been made. No other method of payment will be accepted except in special circumstances and subject to the Organiser's written agreement.
Upon registration and payment of entry fees, participants must ensure that they have entered the correct information. No financial information such as debit or credit card details will be stored by the Organiser in any form whatsoever.
With regard to the award-giving ceremony, the Organiser will cover the travel and accommodation expenses solely of the winning architect, subject to the former's agreement.
Article 5: Terms and conditions of participation
5.1. By registering and entering the Prix Claude Parent you accept the present rules and regulations, agree to comply with the conditions and obligations described in these rules and regulations.
5.2. Each entry requires prior on-line registration on the Prix Claude Parent website via the following URLs: www.prixclaudeparent.org. Following registration, the participant will receive an identification number enabling them to submit their entry.
5.3. Entries must then be submitted online on the above-mentioned site in accordance with the terms and conditions set out there. No other method of submitting entries will be accepted.
5.4. All entries require at least the submission of graphic documents relating to (a minimum of) three previously designed projects (whether built or not), together with an explanatory text of 300 words minimum to 500 words maximum hereafter referred to as : “the Entry file”), all of which are intended to rethink architecture in a transgressive, critical or pioneering way, as set out in Article 1.
5.5. If the same project is submitted by more than one architect or team, we reserve the right to select only one application that will be publicly recognised as the project carrier (through publications or existing documents) or not to select any of them.
5.6. All written elements submitted should be in French or English only. If you submit a project in another language, the Organiser reserves the right not to accept it.
Article 6: Competition procedure
6.1. Once you have created an account, we reserve the right to send you further correspondence regarding the Prix Claude Parent procedure.
6.2. In accordance with the purpose set out in Article 1, a selection committee will choose the architects or teams to be submitted to the jury’s vote from the 200 applications received.
6.3. Once selected, no architect or team may be withdrawn or withdraw from the competition without the agreement of the selection committee.
6.4. Only the selection committee can decide whether additional documents can or should be sent in at a later date to enable the committee to make a more informed choice.
6.5. The Prix Claude Parent will select the jury.
6.6. The jury will come together to select a winner (or winning team), will make their selection solely among the architects or teams shortlisted by the selection committee. The Jury will make its decision without bias or favour. The jury's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding its decisions or the decision-making process.
6.7. The award is an original drawing by Claude Parent with an estimated value of 7000 euros.
6.8. The Award will be given in public, except in the event of a force majeure. The winner will be contacted by the Prix Claude Parent so that they may be present in person or by videoconference at the award-giving ceremony.
6.9. The award will be sent by post if the winner is unable to attend the award ceremony in person.
6.10. The award winner will also be announced on the official website of the Prix Claude Parent.
6.11. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify an entry if it appears to the Organiser that the entry is irregular or if the selection committee or jury have any doubts about the integrity of the entry.
6.12. If a member of the selection committee is faced with a potential conflict of interest, they must inform the Organiser. If a member of the jury has a potential conflict of interest, they must inform the selection committee. In any event, any change to the selection committee or the members of the jury for any reason whatsoever (in particular, due to absence, withdrawal, replacement, etc.) will not affect the validity of the competition.
Article 7: Guaranty
Candidates are entirely responsible for the data, information and graphic or textual content of the Entry File that they submit to the Prix Claude Parent.
Candidates declare that they own all the rights to the documents submitted in the Entry File and that they have the capacity to commit under these rules.
Candidates declare that the entire Entry File submitted to the Prix Claude Parent does not infringe any third party rights, in particular copyright, intellectual property rights, social rights and/or confidentiality rights, and that it has not borrowed from another work of any kind whatsoever, nor included any erroneous and/or outdated information or any element that could fall under the laws and other provisions relating in particular to defamation, insult, breach of public decency, privacy and all personality rights, and counterfeiting, which would be liable to engage the Organiser's liability.
In this respect, candidates guarantee to the Prix Claude Parent the peaceful enjoyment of the rights conferred by these rules and regulations against any disturbance, claim or eviction whatsoever.
Consequently, the Candidate undertakes to deal personally with any claim and/or proceedings of any nature whatsoever on behalf of another candidate, a member of his/her team or a third party, against the Organiser that is directly or indirectly related to his/her entry to the Prix Claude Parent.
The guarantees provided by the Candidate cover any penalties imposed by the Organiser, plus, on the one hand, a guarantee of all interest, costs and incidental expenses incurred by the Organiser, including legal costs and lawyers' fees, and on the other hand, the payment of a minimum sum of 20,000 euros to cover loss of image and professional prejudice.
Any Candidate who fails to comply with this clause will be excluded from the competition..
Article 8 : Use of the Entry file
By submitting an entry, candidates agree that the Prix Claude Parent may keep the documents (image, text, file, sketch, plan, etc.) contained in the entry file and forward them to the members of the selection committee, the members of the jury and the partners of the Prix Claude Parent.
All elements of the application (consisting of copies of documents and not originals) remain the property of the Prix Claude Parent without any compensation of any kind.
Article 9 : Transfer of intellectual property rights
9.1. If one or more documents contained in the Entry File were to qualify as a work, i.e. be subject to copyright regulations (hereinafter the "Creations") the Candidate transfers, free of charge, to the Prix Claude Parent, on a non-exclusive basis, with all legal and factual guarantees, the related intellectual property rights, namely the rights of representation, reproduction, adaptation, exploitation, publication, display, broadcasting, compilation, translation and transcription in whole or in part.
9.2. The rights assigned do not include the right to create the Creation or have it created by construction, including its plans, sketches, drawings or projects.
9.3. The transfer is granted for the following uses, to meet the needs of the present and future Prix Claude Parent, for the purposes of professional or cultural communication by the Organiser, the Claude Parent Archives association, for publication and marketing purposes such as articles, books, films, audio-visual documents, etc., for exhibition purposes, etc.
9.4. All the rights transferred are done so for all countries, for the duration of the protection of the author's economic rights, for all media (digital, paper editions, film, in particular advertising, electronic editions, multimedia) and using all formats, and by all technical processes known to date or to be discovered (in particular, digitisation and downloading).
9.5. All the rights transferred are transferable, in particular to the partners and sponsors of the Prix Claude Parent, or any third party when this is done in association with the Prix Claude Parent.
Article 10. The Prix Claude Parent and the Prix Claude Parent logo are registered trademarks and belong to Claude Parent Archives.
Article 11. The Prix Claude Parent website including, in particular, the domain name, database and graphic elements belong to the Association Claude Parent Archives. The content and information available on this site may be modified at any time. They may be deleted or updated.
Article 12. Any partial or total representation and/or reproduction and/or use of the contents of the name, logo or any of the elements of the Prix Claude Parent website by any means whatsoever, without the prior written authorisation of the Association Claude Parent Archives, is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright under articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Article 13. For the needs of the Prix Claude Parent, the Organiser needs to have, collect, process, communicate and store personal data, which the Candidate acknowledges and accepts.
Consequently, the Candidate expressly authorises the Prix Claude Parent to collect, process and store the following personal data: your first and last name, your e-mail address, your telephone number, your address, your nationality and your image.
This data is collected for the purposes of organising the Prix Claude Parent and for the dissemination of information on the Prix Claude Parent. The candidate acknowledges and accepts this.
The Candidate expressly authorises the Prix Claude Parent to communicate personal data concerning him/her held by the Prix Claude Parent to third parties if this communication is necessary for the organisation and communication of the Prix Claude Parent. or in application of the law.
Your data will only be accessible to people who have an interest in accessing it within the framework of the Prix Claude Parent.
The data controller is the Organiser identified above.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 and the amended Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the following rights with regard to your personal data: right of access, right of rectification, right of deletion, right to portability of your data, right to limit processing, right to object to processing, as well as the right to define directives relating to the processing, retention and destruction or transfer of your data after your death.
You may exercise these rights by writing to the Organiser (contact@prixclaudeparent.org) by enclosing a copy of their identity card or passport. The Organiser will endeavour to respond to your request within a timeframe that complies with the legal provisions in force.
In the event of an unsatisfactory response, you may lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (https://www.cnil.fr/fr).
In the event that the person who has entered the competition on his own behalf or on behalf of a team communicates to the Prix Claude Parent personal and nominative information concerning third parties, it guarantees that it has duly informed these persons in advance and obtained their consent to the collection, processing, communication and storage of their nominative data as set out above.
The prevailing version of the rules and regulations is the French version. The English version of the rules and regulations is provided for information purposes only. In the event of any contradiction between the French and English versions, the French version shall prevail.
These rules and regulations are governed by French law.
In the event of disagreement over the application or interpretation of the rules and regulations, the Parties hereby confer jurisdiction on the court of First Instance of Montpellier or, in the case of intellectual property rights, that of Marseille. The Organiser will not be summoned before any other court, even in the event of several defendants or the introduction of third parties.